Please share this post if you believe in supporting Independent Artists, Small Businesses and products that are Ethically Made in USA:


Ahhhhh, well, what can I say? I wish I was writing you with better news … news about rainbows and unicorns and all the things that make the world a happy place. But alas, its a pretty grim day here in the Land of Rocking Eagles. You see, there is this “company” called Lotus Leggings ( I use the term company loosely because “criminals” would much better suffice what they actually are ) that decided that they would steal my artwork to make cheap replicas of my leggings in China. Then, to make matters worse, they had the audacity to market their knockoffs to their 1Million + social media audience (often using my photographs) ... thinking that they are above the law and any realm of human decency.

If you go to their website, you will see that it is riddled with fake/counterfeit merchandise, including 6 of my best selling designs. They are so blatant with their theft that it would be easy to assume that they’ve licensed the use of such iconic figures as DC’s Wonder Woman and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast; however I can assure you that that is not the case. If they had the rights to use such artwork, then they wouldn’t have renamed the styles “Amazon Woman” and “Once upon a Time” leggings … and they absolutely have no permission to use my PIRATE GIRL, OCTOPUS, SEAHORSES, TENTACLES, SUGARSKULL or BUTTERFLIES, no matter how they chose to rename them.

Now, I could go on for days about how devastating this whole ordeal has been … about how my heart hit the floor the moment I saw my artwork pinned to the top of their “verified” Facebook page … about how Lotus Leggings immediately deleted every single comment and blocked every person who called them out for stealing from me ( I managed to snap +/- 50 screenshots, btw. click here to see them )  … about how I was able to get the “fake WERKSHOP” removed from their website only to have them immediately file a counter claim against me … about how I spoke to seven different attorneys between California, New York and Beijing and was told repeatedly that any legal action would be incredibly expensive and/or hopeless because “these Chinese counterfeiters are out of your jurisdiction and do not respect USA copyright laws.” …

… but instead, I want to share with you the best advice I was given during my frantic two week search to find legal counsel :

Focus and invest in “Appealing to the court of Public Opinion” … Educate your customers. Let people know what Lotus Leggings is doing and do your best to keep moving forward.

And with that, let me tell you a little about what makes Eagle Rock WERKSHOP® special and what sets us apart from these con-artists:

  • All of our leggings are 100% Ethically produced in Los Angeles, CA. Here's a little breakdown of our design/production process:
    • We start with only the absolute best Italian performance/triathlon fabric available.
    • All of our artwork is 100% original and drawn in-house by myself and/or my graphic artist Harold (he and I make a great team, don'tcha think?) ... and any images we use for our leggings (photo-real, not illustrated) are either our own (or) manipulations of licensed photography.
    • We print all of our fabric IN-HOUSE in our Los Angeles design studio ... we literally print every single piece of fabric ourselves!
    • Each pair of leggings are sewn locally in Los Angeles using only licensed and transparent contractors who are compliant with ALL California Labor Laws. Literally every single person who has a hand in the creation of our leggings is earning a living wage. We can say with confidence that we are 100% SWEATSHOP FREE! (I also offer Health Insurance for my full-time employees which is a rarity for a business as small as Eagle Rock WERKSHOP®, especially in the apparel industry.)
    • After the leggings are sewn, we bring them back to our studio for a rigorous quality control inspection: we truly care and do everything we can to make sure that your leggings get to you in absolute perfect condition - every time.
    • We handle all of our own customer service and order fulfillment ... if you ever have a question (or) if anything should go wrong with your order: we are always just a quick email or live chat away.
    • We donate a % of proceeds to charity every year. So far, we have made donations to: St Jude Research Center, Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Mission Blue.

When I started Eagle Rock WERKSHOP®, I was working full time as a Design Director for a Men's Denim Company. Taking on such an intense "passion project" was all consuming. I would work for 8-10 hours during the day, drive an hour to get home and then continue working alone for another 8-10 hours every night. Weekends were my favorite because I was able to dedicate a solid 25-30 hours to WERKSHOP without interruption. It was excessive and resulted in the sacrifice of my entire social life, but I was a one-woman-show determined to turn my dream into a reality. In January of 2013, all of my hard work came to fruition when my initial kickstarter campaign came to a close: funding just over $94K and becoming the second most-successful womenswear campaign to be on the platform at the time of completion.

It took almost a year before I was able to properly move Eagle Rock WERKSHOP® out of my living room and into a legit design studio ... and then another six months before I set up payroll and officially hired my first employee. Now, after three years, Eagle Rock WERKSHOP® has grown into the company that I had always envisioned. It would be a dramatic understatement to say that my heart breaks every time I see an anonymous thief from the other side of the world steal something that I have worked SO hard for.

... and it pains me to have to say that Lotus Leggings is not the only "brand" stealing my artwork. We have found countless other "knock off" sellers on eBay, Amazon, TaoBoa, Alibaba and AliExpress. More often than not, they use my product images on their listings .. other times, they photoshop the product images like the examples below. ('cause it doesn't look weird at all when they face/swap my model, eh?).

The internet has become a dangerous place for consumers. Places like Amazon, eBay and Wal-Mart's third party marketplace have become virtual counterfeit swap-meets. You never really know what you're going to get. 

There are absolutely NO Authorized Eagle Rock WERKSHOP® sellers on Amazon (or) eBay. All listings (whether they use my webshop/product images or not) are fake. Here is an example of fake WERKSHOP leggings that we found on Amazon: 

The quickest way to spot a "fake" is to look at the waistband - most of the counterfeiters converted my one piece waistband into two. If you look closely at the images above, you can see that they've added a fake side seam on the waistband and airbrushed the one at center back away.

I first learned of "fake" WERKSHOP circulating in China just over a year ago, but didn't want to talk about it because I had just recovered from two serious blows that almost knocked me out of business while I was still operating out of my living room in Eagle Rock (see: A Love Letter to #TEAMWERKSHOP and Business is Business is Business) ... simply put, I didn't want to post another sad blog post. But time has passed and this whole situation is getting completely out of hand. Now that the counterfeit leggings have creeped into the USA market, I figured it was time to let the cat out of the bag.

I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to read about all the stuff n' things goin' down over here in the Land of Rocking Eagles. While the news at hand is less than awesome, I can promise you that we will continue to move forward with optimism and hope for a brighter tomorrow. We have SO many exciting things on queue for 2017 and beyond and hope you join us for the ride!

And please, feel free to comment below and/or drop us a line anytime. We are always so happy to hear from members of #teamWERKSHOP.

With much love and gratitude,


Chriztina Marie (Tina Z) and the Eagle Rock WERKSHOP® Family (pictured below)

pictured above from right to left: JJ // Customer Service Guru. Alfredo // Production Manager. HUCK! // Fluffy Company Mascot and Best Friend. Me (Tina Z) // Owner/Founder/CEO/Designer, etc. Eric // Miscellaneous Helper Bay // Social Media Guru. Harold // Graphics


September 2019 UPDATE: Eagle Rock WERKSHOP currently sells on Amazon for the same prices available on - There are no other authorized WERKSHOP sellers on Amazon.

Also! Word on how horrible Lotus Leggings is has been spreading around. For more insight, peep this post by our friend Alex over at Schimiggy:

♥︎ Much love! Tina Z

disclaimer: the title of this blog, THE IMITATION GAME, was inspired the Academy Award winning movie presented by the Weinstein Company and directed by Morten Tyldum. Such a great movie! - if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend giving it a go. =) xoxoo, T

September 03, 2019 — Chriztina Marie


Tanja Tunjic said:

I love your product and have lots of pairs. I get compliments all the time when I wear them, and I am happy to always inform everyone as to where they can get a pair. I have also gifted a few pairs to my friends and we are all very happy! I loooooooove that they are extra long! I am tall and its so hard to find good leggings that are not cutting my height above the ankle! THANK YOU! Keep moving forward! :)

DW said:

I am on your site to check out the beautiful Butterfly print leggings I saw on a customer today at the Pilates studio where I work (and that JJ is wearing in the company pic above). I raved and raved and raved about how beautiful they were, and she showed me the WerkShop logo on the back waistband. I can’t wait to buy a pair!! It was very disappointing and sad to read about the copyright infringement, theft of your product, and outright fraud after all of the blood, sweat, and tears you have poured into your company but keep your head up and persist!! Thank you for the post and for bringing awareness to this issue for your customers and fans. I’ll support Werkshop all that I can because you the quality and integrity that you are bringing to your product and company. Keep up all of your good work and I wish you and your team the very best.

KT Harrison said:

I have purchased a few pairs of leggings from your FABULOUS company and they are truly the softest, most durable, comfortable, & stylish leggings I own. When I wear them to help at my daughters Elementry school, ALL the girls compliment and ask where I got them. I LOVE sharing your product and encourage people to buy from werkshop🥰. Keep making your Devine products and keep your high vibe intention❣️. Us dedicated and loyal followers will keep growing…. Many BLESSINGS of ABUNDANCE🕉🙏

Denis said:

You are an inspiration to more people than you know. Keep rockin’.

Mike G said:

Rather than focus on all the negative feelings and emotions that I felt while reading this article, I’d rather look on the bright side. So let me just tell you, I LOVE your stuff. More specifically, my wife LOVES your stuff.The first time she showed me a pair of your leggings I was blown away. Not only is your artwork really beautiful, it’s obvious that you guys put a ton of work (love) in to what you create. I’d like to think that you get what you give so I’m hopeful that if you guys keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll have all the success. Shame on anyone who would try and benefit from someone else’s hard work.

We love your product and I’m really excited to give my wife a new pair for Christmas. Thanks for making my Christmas shopping a little easier this year (it’s kind of a no brainer). Good luck in the future and rest assured, we wouldn’t buy leggings from anyone else!!!

Bri Xandrick said:

I’m so sorry to hear this! Your artwork is beautiful, and reproduced or not, your leggings are one of a kind! I will encourage all my friends to look out for the counterfeits as well! As an aerialist, there is no doubt which is a fake when you wear them. Cheap nylon blend that doesn’t stretch or hug well could never compare with the fit of your amazing fabric and cut! Don’t worry, everyone will know the true innovation and hard work; it’s easy to feel the blood, sweat, and tears of Werkshop, and that can’t be imitated by a company in China.

ying chen said:

I like your leggings very much, although I am in China. I won’t buy leggings from other websites. I hope you can stick with it. I will always like your products.

Elaine Hamilton said:

I was looking at YOUR leggings around Christmas and never ordered them. I didn’t have enough time to research how people liked them.. blah blah blah. I wanted something different and a cool pattern but for $98 I wanted to make sure they would be good. SO- two days ago lotus leggings popped up On my Facebook feed. I was like- what $20?? No way. But I started looking at the patterns and IMMEDIATELY was like- “these are all eagle rock patterns!” And so I looked to see if it was a sister company or something but nope! I cannot believe they stole your patterns – I mean they are clearly yours. I wanted the octopus and the butterfly pattern leggings and will be purchasing them from YOU when I do. Just wanted to say that your patterns are amazing and very recognizable!! ?

Claire said:

My heart breaks every time I hear a story like this. A former customer of mine opened up a shop of her own making the exact same pieces I have been making for years. She pulled this move while my shop was on hiatus, as I was recovering from major surgery to remove a large cancerous mass from my abdomen.
Like you mentioned, the legal costs would have been astronomical, and my sales dropped drastically because people were buying hers at a lower price. She’s taken tens of thousands of dollars away from my kids. I just can’t believe the nerve of people.
I wish you well and will go to your official site and pick out something for my Christmas list! ♥️

Tina Zhang said:

I can’t agree with you more,firstly I want to give you a big hug and much love.I carefully read the development of history of the eagle rock werkshop,I believe in and support your team.I love eagle rock and original artwork designers.
I want to join you to contend against fake eagle rock.It’s horrible for dangerous I want to buy the eagle rock on for making sure what I got is real things.
I support you forever and try to spread these news for yoga lovers and teachers. Real Eagle Rock must be win!Yours Faithfully Tina Zhang from China

Tina Zhang said:

I can’t agree with you more,firstly I want to give you a big hug and much love.I carefully read the development of history of the eagle rock werkshop,I believe in and support your team.I love eagle rock and original artwork designers.
I want to join you to contend against fake eagle rock.It’s horrible for dangerous I want to buy the eagle rock on for making sure what I got is real things.
I support you forever and try to spread these news for yoga lovers and teachers. Real Eagle Rock must be win!Yours Faithfully Tina Zhang from China

Amy said:

I am speechless and can imagined what you have gone through Tina. But i am with teamwerkshop all the way.
Thank you for sharing the news with us. You have my support all the way!! :)

Gregory said:

What did the lawyers say about copyrights for your design? And stopping the imports at the border? It’s too expensive in terms of legal costs? Is it possible?

ci n sh said:

once i saw a website showing pictures of fake and original louboutins.
go to authenticity section.

my suggestion is that you buy one of lotus fake – even though it feels despicable to think you’re giving them some selling profit – and invest in high quality images showing fake/real details side by side and explaining text after each.

because i truly doubt they have same quality as yours. i can’t believe these counterfeits can reproduce every special detail of your illustrations and coloring.

also i wonder how they really look when you actually wear it. low quality must be visible…

so that’s my tip.
try and post it on your official channels to help your customers tell them apart!

everything should be fine.
i wish your team the best! ♡

Ted Stewart said:

Is there anything we can do as consumers on the Facebook side to report stolen images or help reduce their visibility?

Erika said:

As a former lover of Lotus Leggings’ octopus leggings, I am horrified by this and ashamed I didn’t look more into it before buying. I will be placing an order with you guys right away to make amends. That is heartbreaking.

Rachel Lang said:

Wow, this is disturbing. I know it happens all the time but it’s sad. I was researching printed leggings companies for a blog post – Werkshop was already on my list because I’ve know about your awesome leggings for a long time. I found the website for Lotus Leggings and immediately noticed that a lot of the designs were Werkshop – I thought they were an authorized reseller until I saw this post. Disgusting.

Oni berglund said:

I am saddened by this and hope that you in some way legally can stop these arrogant jerks!! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery and is a compliment but this is beyond imitation. It is stealing!! Is there no way that a copyright or Internet policing can prohibit their sites? It’s totally illegal and blatant. They aren’t just “adopting” but actually blatantly using your photos, wording and designs.

Jude McAlpine said:

Oh! I am so incredibly sorry to hear this news. You and your team do such fabulous work! I proudly wear my Werkshop yoga tights to my daily practice – telling other yogis how talented you and your team are with your designs and quality. I will always support you and your work. Stay Strong. xoxox

Kellie said:

This makes me beyond hurt for you! I am already posting to all my social media and reaching out to everyone I know in the community to try to bring awareness to this terrible theft! It’s not right!! Continue being the amazing, strong company and brand that you are! You set an amazing example for what other companies should strive to be! I love every single pair of Wershop tights and cannot wait for the new designs to come out!! Sending lots of love to you all! xxxooo’s

Karen said:

Wow – they even stole your model shots and replaced the head! yikes…I hate to see this happen and will help share it. And there’s no comfort in knowing you are being copied because you have beautiful designs and quality leggings!

LaRae said:

So, despicable. So sorry to read this. WERKSHOP I am a WERKSHOP addict and I am sure there are a lot of us. We got your back! Ugh, so so terrible.

Teresa Hebert said:

Since I met you randomly at lunch one day I have admired your vision, your incredible talent and especially your work ethic. This is so very wrong and disgusting. Thank you for making all of us more aware of this problem. The originality and beauty of what you do will survive these counterfeits. I will share with others.

Ashley said:

Keep up the fight girl! #teamwerkshop #Isupportwerkshop

Sonya said:

This makes me so sad for what you and your wonderful company is going through. I will do all I can to spread the news about what is happening here. I have over a dozen of your leggings and I LOVE every one of them. I only buy and wear Eagle Rock Leggings, and I always look forward to seeing your new designs! Love your attitude and strength!

Debbie Kain said:

Won’t buy them!!! I will look at the waistband from now on. I support Werkshop!!!

Wendy said:

Agree 1000%. I work for a nonprofit publisher and every single book we publish is pirated the next day. As fast as you try to take them down they start up again. Buying legit is good karma for all concerned.

Ruth said:

Thank you for your blog. I’m glad you share the sad as well as the happy. As others have posted, I don’t have much in the way of disposable income, but when I’m able to splurge on cool leggings, it’s Eagle Rock Werkshop all the way! The fact that you make everything in an ethical manner means a lot and makes it worth the extra money. Not to mention the quality and fun factor are off the charts! Be strong and keep making your magic and sharing the love.

Mandy said:

I will always support and respect genuine product. WERKSHOP is unique product. #termwerkshop #treamwerkshopfromthailand

Wendy said:

I will continue to support you and your team. I used to be a graphic designer before and I know how you feel about your original design being used publicly. It’s worth spending on werkshop pants as it is uniquely designed and produced. I am looking forward to your new Hawaiian collection!

Molly K Lemmons said:

I so wish there was something we could do against them. They’re ripping off you and Black Milk. <3

Amaryllis Glass said:

Wow!!! This is shocking and upsetting. I am so sad to see this. I personally would only buy directly from your web site but some people may not know. Every time I wear my leggings from Werkshop people comment and ask me where I got them. I’m so sorry to see you go through this but don’t worry…excellence always beats no talent. ALWAYS!

Linda said:

Rest assured that my gym booty will only be covered with Werkshop! People ask me about my leggings so much that I started carrying around little cards with your info on it! As an independent artist I empathize with what you are going through!

Denise said:

I learned about your company through a fellow yoga instructor Eleonora Zampatti. I will be supporting you and buying your leggings and spreading the word.

Mar said:

This makes me angry and sad – I hate the unfair things in life. I try to shop local whenever possible, so will continue to buy from you, and I will spread the word. Your customer service has been fantastic – ordered my last pair on Black Friday and was shocked to get them the next Monday. Keep those designs coming!

Kate said:

So disgusting! I’m not rolling in cash, and the one pair of werkshop tights I have I treasure ( I have my eye set on another when my pregnancy is done) but I know the heart, soul and work that goes into creating a peice of quality art. I could never sell out and buy an inferior rip off knowing that it was stolen from a hardworking designer who worked their butt off creating an ethically run business that produces quality product. I have warned off everyone I know who has considered buying from lotus leggings and directed them to the genuine article instead.

Nicole said:

Happy to be a supporter of Eagle Rock Workshop. I don’t have tons of funds, but I gladly spend them to buy straight from you instead of from these phonies. Every interaction I’ve had with your team has been amazing, the products clearly show your high standards, and I’ll be buying again soon. Good luck!

Claire Harrison said:

Disgusting – and utterly depressing that you seem powerless to control it. But remember this: you have built Werkshop from nothing into a brand that your loyal followers truly care about – and these criminals will not compromise that. Keep on truckin’ – we’re with you for the long haul!! Much much love to all in the land of rockin’ eagles xoxoxo

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